TRIKES Låda med spel trä
Art. nr: MN-KC2941-40
4 i 1 spel. bestående av domino. schack. ''drafts'' och plockepinn.
Låda i trä bestående av domino, schack, ""drafts"" och plockepin.
Dimensions: 16X16X3CM
Height: 3 cm
Width: 16 cm
Length: 16 cm
Volume: 1.06 cdm3
Gross Weight: 0.246 kg
Net Weight: 0.223 kg
Huvudmaterial: Trä
Denna artikel går att få med lasergravyr när du beställer minst 25 st.
Gravyrkostnader tillkommer (syns först i kassan).
Max gravyrstorlek: 35x15 mm
Rule of the game
This interesting stick-lifting game requires calm, skill and
Rating Points
1 stick with spiral 20
5 sticks with red/blue/red/blue/red, 10 pts each 50
5 sticks with blue/red/blue, 5 pts each 25
15 sticks with blue/yellow/red, 3 pts each 45
15 sticks with blue/red, 2 pts each 30
Total points: 170
Hold the sticks in one hand and place the fist on the table. Open
the hand quickly and the sticks will fall on the table randomly. In
case of an unsatisfactory throw, it is allowed to repeat the throw.
Now players try to lift the stick individually with their fingers without
moving other non-target sticks. When the stick is lifted, it can be
used for lifting other sticks. Using the finger to press the tip of the
stick may lift the stick more easily. If a non-target stick is moved,
the total number of points should be calculated. Next player then
begins with the next throw of sticks. The number of round of game
should be agreed before play. The winner is the one who gets the
highest points.
How to play
This set contains 28 rectangular tiles marked with between 0 and 6
dots on each end of the face side. Turn the tiles face down on a
table and shuffle. Take seven dominoes and stand them on the
table so that your opponent cannot see their faces. The remaining
dominoes, if any, are left face down and become stock.
Choose a method you and your partner can both agree on the
order of play. For example, each player reveals a double (a tile
with the same number on either end) from his or her hand, and the
player with the highest double goes first. It is customary to start
with a double tile. Add one domino to either narrow end of domino
on the table. If you cannot play onto either end of the board, you
must pass your turn or draw one domino from the stock.
Whoever plays all his or her dominoes first wins the round, and
receives points equal to the total of all the dots on the opponent’s
remaining tiles. If no player is able to finish, each player adds up
the total of tiles in each domino. Whoever has the lowest total wins
the round, and receives points equal to the difference between his
or her total and the opponent’s total.
How to play
Sit across from your opponent. The board is made up of 100
alternating dark and light squares. Place the board between you
and your opponent so that each player has a light colored square
on the corner of the board on his or her right side. Have each
player place his pieces on the 20 dark squares in the first four rows
closet to him or her. Each of these four rows should have a total of
5 checkers. Checkers can only move in diagonal directions on the
dark squares.
The player with the black checkers goes first. Checkers may only
move one diagonal space forward in the beginning of the game. If
your checker is located in the diagonal space nearest to your
opponent's checker and a space on the other side of your
opponent’s checker is empty, then you can jump and capture that
checker which is then taken off the board. If the new position you
land in gives you a direct opportunity to capture another checker,
you can keep going.
When your checker reaches the end of your opponent’s board,
king your checker by simply placing one of your own captured
piece on top of it. The king can move forward and backward when
capturing checkers. The king can still only move one diagonal
space at a time during a non-capture move. Once you capture all
of your opponent’s checkers, you win the game.
How to play
The chessboard is made of 64 alternating dark and light squares. It
is laid out so that each play has the light color square in the bottom
right-hand side. The second row is filled with pawns. The rooks go
in the corners, then the knights next to them, followed by the
bishops, and finally the queen, who always goes on her own
matching color square, and the king on the remaining square.
Each of the 6 different kinds of pieces moves differently.
- King: 1 piece. Move one square only in any direction – up,
down, to the sides, and diagonally.
- Queen: 1 piece. Move in any one straight direction – forward,
backward, sideways, or diagonally.
- Rook: 2 pieces. Move as far as it wants, but only forward,
backward, and to the sides.
- Knight: Go two squares in one direction, and then one more
move at a 90 degree angle, just like the shape of an “L”. Knights
are the only pieces which can move over other pieces.
- Bishop: Move as far as it wants, but only diagonally.
- Pawn: Move forward, but capture diagonally. Pawns can only
move forward one square at a time, except for their very first
move where they can move forward two squares. Never move
or capture backward.
The player with the white pieces move first. If a king cannot escape
checkmate, the game is over.
Special rules
1. Promote a pawn: If a pawn moves out two squares on its first
move and by doing so lands to the side of an opponent’s pawn,
that opponent pawn has the option of capturing the first pawn
(diagonally) as it passes by.
2. Do “en passant”: When a pawn reaches the other side of the
board, it can be promoted to any other chess piece.
3. Castle: The player can move his king two squares over to one
side and then move the rook from that side’s corner to right next
to the king on the opposite side. The following requirements
must be fulfilled to castle:
- Neither king nor rook was moved.
- No pieces between the king and the rook.
- The king is not in check or does not pass through check.
ORDERTELEFON: 0224-370 70
Den här artikeln är en beställningsvara. Leveranstid utan märkning: 3-5 arbetsdagar. Leveranstid med tryck: 7-10 arbetsdagar.